There are many ways in which you can get involved with Luminous Green and its community. It all depends on how much of your time and resources you can commit to it…

  • As a host: You can organise, or host a Luminous Green gathering yourself.
    • Contact for more information about how to do this.
  • As an initiator: Spawn related initiatives with people you met on one of the gatherings.
    • It would be great if you could keep us and the rest of the community in the loop! Post information on the Luminous Green wiki, and/or contact to spread the word…
  • As an archivist, wiki-gnome and blogger: You can contribute to the wiki-based online documentation and knowledge base through
    • If you have participated in any of the Luminous Green gatherings, please collect your notes on luminous_green_notes
  • As a photographer: Take photos during the Luminous Green gatherings and related activities and share them with us
    • Please add the photos & drawings from the gatherings (and related activities) to the Luminous Green pool on Flickr: . If you don't have a Flickr account, put the photos somewhere online so we can link to them…
  • As an ambassador: Spread the word about Luminous Green! We need all the help we can get…
  • As a researcher in residence: Become a temporary FoAM Resident in Brussels, or Amsterdam.
    • If you are interested in researching some of the ideas from a Luminous Green gathering more in depth, FoAM has a residency programme that you might be interested in. If we can't accommodate your project, perhaps someone from our network will be able to. Contact for more information about how to do this.
  • As a community member: Keep us all updated on your activities, successes and failures, and let us know how we can help you become more Luminous Green…
  • As a philanthropist: Support Luminous Green people, gatherings and initiatives. Contact for more information.
  • As a partner: Become a part of the Luminous Green network
    • Are you interested in making Luminous Green more sustainable? We are looking for partner organisations and individuals to form a network that could work on an integrated programme of research, creation and events related to Luminous Green.
  • luminous/involvement.txt
  • Last modified: 2008-08-06 07:30
  • by nik
  • Currently locked by: