==== fenfire ====
an offshoot from the gZ(ig)Z(ag) project (an incarnation of [[zigzag]](tm), to avoid a patent/trademark encumberance. (see gzz-dev for refs.)
==== building ====
as of jul.2007 see -> http://antti-juhani.kaijanaho.fi/darcs/fenfire-hs/README
==== dusty / mouldy / / partially forgotten ====
seems like the cvs version is mouldy (as of july.2004). try arch or darcs
darcs get http://himalia.it.jyu.fi/darcs/*/ where * is in {callgl,libvob,storm,alph,fenfire,depends}
**darcs scripts**
% for d in alph callgl depends fenfire libvob navidoc storm; do ( cd "$d" && darcs pull ) done
% for d in navidoc storm alph libvob fenfire; do ( cd "$d" && make java ) done
% cd fenfire && make run_feed
**NOTE:** this following info is probably obsolete;
is definately not targeted at users yet (2003), and is even mess for prospective developers to get running...
so a few hints ;)
* requires
* java
* ant http://ant.apache.org)
* alph, storm, libvob, loom and navidoc (also related projects)
* in -depends modules
* jce (java crypto extensions) http://www.cryptix.org/products/jce/
* jython (?)
* jnushare
* gisp
* and so on....
* CVS lines
* cvs -d :ext:anoncvs@savannah.gnu.org:/cvsroot/x co x
* cvs -d :ext:anoncvs@savannah.gnu.org:/cvsroot/x co x-depends
* where x is storm, alph, libvob, loom and fenfire
* storm, navidoc and alph use make, and need to be build in that order.
* build fenfire with ant