Code generated from the [[RealtimeAV Workshop]] [20060807-11] ; a experiment in using the turtle to create a ; constantly regenerating procedural shape from ; a static triangle strip. there are lots of ; obvious problems with this technique, and bugs ; in this implementation - but it's still capable ; of some interesting things (note: to do this ; properly fluxus needs an operation to "rotate" ; the vertex data around in memory) ; triangle strips are laid out like this: ; ; 0___2___4___6 ; | /| /| /| ; | / | / | / | ; |/__|/__|/__| ; 1 3 5 7 ; ; where the numbers indicate the vertex ; positions in the list (= pdata indices) ; make a circle - skipping a vert each time, ; so builds one side of a vertex strip. ; this represents the cross section of the ; shape we are building (define (circle count radius) (define (loop i angle) (turtle-move radius) (turtle-turn (vector 0 angle 0)) (turtle-vert) (turtle-skip 1) (if (zero? (- i 1)) 0 (loop (- i 1) angle))) (turtle-push) (loop count (/ 360 count)) (turtle-pop)) ; build the next level of shape, made out of ; the circles above - assembles it two circles ; at a time, building the triangle strip into ; rings - effectively extruding the circles ; into a tube (define (shape circlecount shapecount) (circle circlecount 1) ; draw a circle of radius 1 (turtle-skip (- (- (* circlecount 2) 1))) ; skip backwards by some algorithm? :) (turtle-turn (vector 0 0 90)) ; turn to face the direction of the tube (turtle-turn (vector 5 0 0)) ; turn half of the bend amount (turtle-move 2) ; move forward (turtle-turn (vector 5 0 0)) ; turn the second half of the bend amount (turtle-turn (vector 0 0 -90)) ; face the direction to draw the circle (circle circlecount 1) ; draw the second circle (turtle-skip -1) ; set up for the next circle (if (zero? shapecount) 0 (shape circlecount (- shapecount 1)))) (clear) (backfacecull 0) (define o (build-polygons 500 0)) ; make an arbitary length triangle strip (turtle-attach o) ; attach the turtle builder to it (turtle-reset) (define nexttime 0) ; adding to the strip each frame is way too fast, so ; use the timer to slow down... (define (update) (cond ((< nexttime (time)) (set! nexttime (+ (time) 0.1)) ; do this every 0.1 seconds (grab o) (shape 12 1) (recalc-normals 0) (ungrab)))) (every-frame (update)) {{|Screenshot-1.jpg}} ; virualtim ; ; reads muscle data from osc and uses it to control a ; physical arm model ; turn on full debugging (debug-enable 'debug) (debug-enable 'backtrace) (read-enable 'positions) ; makes an arm segment - a bone and a joint connecting it ; with the input attachto object - can be used for chaining ; together objects (define (make-arm-seg attachto axis) (push) (scale (vector 0.4 0.4 2)) (let ((bone (build-cube))) (pop) (grab bone) (let ((jointpos (vtransform (vector 0 0 -0.5) (get-transform)))) (ungrab) (active-box bone) (let ((joint (build-hingejoint attachto bone jointpos axis))) (joint-param joint "LoStop" -2) (joint-param joint "HiStop" 2) (joint-param joint "FMax" 100) (joint-param joint "FudgeFactor" 0) (list bone joint))))) (define (arm-seg-get-bone arm-seg) (list-ref arm-seg 0)) (define (arm-seg-get-joint arm-seg) (list-ref arm-seg 1)) (define (make-arm) (push) (translate (vector 0 1.5 0)) (scale (vector 1 3 2)) (let ((torso (build-cube))) (pop) (active-box torso) (build-fixedjoint torso) (translate (vector 0 2.6 2.2)) (let ((upper-arm (make-arm-seg torso (vector 0 1 0)))) (translate (vector 0 0 2.2)) (let ((lower-arm (make-arm-seg (arm-seg-get-bone upper-arm) (vector 1 0 0)))) (translate (vector 0 0 1.4)) (scale (vector 1 1 0.3)) (let ((hand (make-arm-seg (arm-seg-get-bone lower-arm) (vector 1 0 0)))) (list upper-arm lower-arm hand)))))) (osc-source "9999") (define (arm-update arm) (let ((shoulder (arm-seg-get-joint (list-ref arm 0))) (elbow (arm-seg-get-joint (list-ref arm 1))) (wrist (arm-seg-get-joint (list-ref arm 2)))) (define (drain-upper) (cond ((osc-msg "/bodydata/1/upper") (display (osc 0))(newline) (joint-angle shoulder 1 (* (osc 0) 2)) (drain-upper)))) (define (drain-lower) (cond ((osc-msg "/bodydata/1/lower") (display (osc 0))(newline) (joint-angle elbow 1 (* (osc 0) 2)) (drain-lower)))) ; (joint-angle shoulder 1 1) (drain-upper) (drain-lower))) (gravity (vector 0 -0.01 0)) (show-axis 1) (clear) (collisions 1) (ground-plane (vector 0 1 0) 0) (push) (scale (vector 10 10 10)) (rotate (vector 90 0 0)) (build-plane) (pop) (define arm (make-arm)) (define (update) (arm-update arm)) (every-frame (update)) {{|Screenshot-2.jpg}} ; a sound and muscle controlled tube doodler ; includes texture coordinate generation, and ; automatic tracking camera (define (circle n radius s) (define (loop i angle) (turtle-move radius) (turtle-turn (vector 0 angle 0)) (turtle-vert) (pdata-set "t" (turtle-position) (vector (/ n i) (* s 0.1) 0)) (turtle-skip 1) (if (zero? (- i 1)) 0 (loop (- i 1) angle))) (turtle-push) (loop n (/ 360 n)) (turtle-pop)) (define lastwidth 1) (define turnx 0) (define turny 0) (define (shape c n) (set! turnx (gh 2)) (set! turny (gh 3)) (if (> turnx 90) (set! turnx 90)) (if (> turny 90) (set! turny 90)) (circle c lastwidth n) (turtle-skip (- (- (* c 2) 1))) (turtle-turn (vector 0 0 90)) (turtle-turn (vmul (vector turnx turny 0) 0.1)) (turtle-move 2) (turtle-turn (vmul (vector turnx turny 0) 0.1)) (turtle-turn (vector 0 0 -90)) (set! lastwidth (+ (* lastwidth 0.9) (* (gh 8) 0.001))) (circle c lastwidth (+ n 1)) (turtle-skip -1) (if (zero? n) 0 (shape c (- n 1)))) (clear) (backfacecull 0) (clear-colour (vector 0 0 0)) ;(hint-wire) ;(hint-unlit) ;(texture (load-texture "rhod.png")) (define o (build-polygons 5000 0)) (turtle-attach o) (turtle-reset) (gain 100) (define camera (build-locator)) (lock-camera camera) (camera-lag 0.01) (define nexttime 0) (define (update) (cond ((< nexttime (time)) (set! nexttime (+ (time) 0.1)) ; move the camera (grab o) (let ((t (pdata-get "p" (modulo (- (turtle-position) 1) (pdata-size))))) (grab camera) (identity) (translate t) (ungrab)) ; regenerate the shape (shape 12 1) (recalc-normals 0) (ungrab)))) (every-frame (update)) {{|Screenshot-8.jpg}} -- [[Dave Griffiths]] - 16 Sep 2006