==== Undertype Notes ====
Notes for http://home.gna.org/undertype/ a line based typesetting and layout programme
==== Build notes for linux ====
* git clone git: / / git.constantvzw.org/osp.tools.undertype.git
* cd osp.tools.undertype.git
* mkdir build
* cd build
* qmake
* make
* cd bin
* ./undertype
==== build notes for OSX ====
* svn co svn: / / svn.gna.org/svn/undertype/trunk undertype
* sudo port install freetype qt4-mac
* qmake
* add "INCLUDEPATH += /opt/local/include/freetype2" to src/src.pro
* make
==== rebuild ====
* git pull
* make clean && qmake && make
==== terms / window names ====
* 'Casses' ([en] "Type Case" (or just "Case") suggestion "Mixed Case") which control font use
* 'Composteur' ([en] "Composing stick") for layout and editing of a single line
* Forme/Page on which various lines are arranged
==== basic workflow ====
* change focus to 'Casses'
* press 'New'
* enter fontsize in dialog & open a font file (e.g something in OTF)
* charaters should be availble in a tray
* if you want to enter characters using the keyboard (rather than by character name) ensure "Use Cmap" is selected
* type some text using the keyboard. this text should appear in the "Composteur"
* if required, select and move the various letters
* press return to display the line in the "forme" (same in [en])
* move line around as required
* select line in the "forme" to make changes in the "Composteur"
focus on 'Casses' ([en] "Type Case" (or just "Case") suggestion "Mixed Case")
focus on 'Composteur' ([en] "Composing stick")
| Shift & Key_Right | slotJustifyItsVeryBadInterletter ( 0.005 ) |
| Shift & Key_Left | slotJustifyItsVeryBadInterletter ( -0.005 ) |
| Control & Key_Right | slotJustifyBlanks ( 0.01 ) |
| Control & Key_Left | slotJustifyBlanks |
QGraphicsView * v = views().first();
| Key_Up | v->scale ( 1.2,1.2 ) |
| Key_Down | v->scale ( 1.0/1.2,1.0/1.2 ) |
| Key_Right | slotJustifyBlanks ( 0.1 ) |
| Key_Left | slotJustifyBlanks ( -0.1 ) |
| Key_Delete | glyphs.removeAll |
| Key_E | wantEdit ( static_cast ( it.first() ) ) |
==== feature requests / bug reports ====
* use backspace and delete keys interchangeably
* copy & paste (despite metaphorical inconsistency)
* enter key inserts a Unicode Character 'VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF' (U+00BD) at the end of a line with qt4 on mac
* if a ttf font is used, the export to pdf break the curves, use oft preferabily