Table of Contents
Mathematics and crisis
Mathematical prerequisites
Digital chaos
The artificial dream
Mathematical modeling
Mathematical models of ecological systems
Mathematical models of economical systems
Mathematics and crisis
By Tamuraj (
Mathematical prerequisites
Algebraic prerequisites
Real numbers, Complex numbers, Matrix algebra,…
Mathematical functions
Properties of mathematical functions
Mathematical equations
Linear equations
Differential equations
The basic principles of mathematical logic
First order logic
Deduction systems
Meta logic
Probability theory
Digital chaos
Random processes: natural and digital random processes
Brownian movements, the digital randomizer
Different versions of infinity:
Countable overcountible sets e.g. Cantor sets
Self similarity
Sierpinski triangle
Chaos theory
The linear fake model
The artificial dream
Introduction into
Artificial Intelligence
Short overview of history
Definition and the Turing test
Hilberts program
Gödel’s theorem
The artificial brain
Emotive computing
Quantum mechanics and Artificial Intelligence
Mathematical modeling
Basic principles of mathematical modeling
Hypothesis testing
Error manipulation
Predictive modeling
Linear modeling with example
Outliers and instability
Overview of different mathematical models
Multilinear regression models
Polynomial regression models
Hazard models
General linear models
Timeseries analysis
The curse of non linearity
The curse of assumptions
Distributional assumptions
Mathematical models of ecological systems
Introduction into biostatistics
The outlier problem
Rare events
Recursive patterns
Risk modeling
Maths and ecological policy
Mathematical models of economical systems
Gödel’s theorem in a capitalist world
Loan systems
The monetary hyperspace
Capitalism and infinity
Introduction into econometric modeling
Politics of complexity