Table of Contents

Notes Aare

Landscape degeneration is a phenomenon at planetary scale. Some see this century as the age of ecological regeneration; bringing areas back to life, with the return of water, vegetation and all manner of organisms re-appearing. This would be 'The Great Work' for humanity. But are humans best suited for all aspects of this task? This lab proposes to push the narrative beyond human-centric perspectives. Could landscapes engage in self-regeneration if they form alliances with the right technologies? What would such systems entail?

This lab brings together field-workers and field-thinkers from the environmental ‘avant-garde’ who work at the level of community, technology data to design and develop actual applications of autonomous agents in regenerative ecological practice.

Existing resources on location:


Techniques ordered in sequence:

Second phase techniques:


Pioneering (early successional) vegetation:

(Essentially we're making a ‘vegetation forecast’)

Functional traits required:

Weaknesses of an establishing ecosystem:

Potential locations:

see also: environmental_machine_learning