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PARN Project: Human-plant communication - research diary


Sunday 18/12/2011

A very nice text on the question, nice to read and very complete. History, roles, pathways of transmissions, measure. 26 p.

Tuesday 01/11/2011

Fiday 28/10/2011

Friday 14/10/2011

Goffin et al (2010) Understanding the physiology of Lactobacillus plantarum at zero growth (open access). In situations of low substrate availability, Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria (which often grows on plants) syhthetize plant hormones to 'tell' the plant to produce certain nutrients they need. Furthermore, L. plantarum also adapts its own metabolism to make use of those vegetal nutients.

Tuesday 27/09/2011

Monday 26/09/2011

Thursday 22/09/2011

Monday 19/09/2011

Friday & Saturday 16-17/09/2011

(Symposium on EEG & Art, iMAL)

Thursday 15/09/2011

(arrival Kiran)

Tuesday 13/09/2011

Friday 09/09/2011

Thursday 08/09/2011

Wednesday 07/09/2011

Tuesday 06/09/2011

° To see what is associated with that concept in the web-based popular culture.
° Identifying the main ideas that come repeatedly.

Friday 02/09/2011

(Weekly meeting with FoAM's members)

Thursday 01/09/2011

Wednesday 31/08/2011

Meeting with Meredith L. Patterson

Monday 29/08/2011

Friday 26/08/2011

Thursday 25/08/2011

Tuesday 23/08/2011

(Platform Kanal summer lab in FoAM's studio)

Monday 22/08/2011

° Biology of Plants, 7th edition (2005), P. Raven, R. Evert, S. Eichhorn - W. H. Freeman & co Publishers
Very general and pedagogic, lot of pictures. Botany, histology, a bit of molecular biology. Reader-friendly, nice to browse randomly (essays, topics, etc.). But: ugly hardcover, and 7th edition seems to be the last one.
° Plant physiology, 4th edition (2006), L. Taiz & E. Zeiger - Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers
More experiment-oriented. A lot about plant development and metabolic pathways. Graphs, molecular structures. 5th edition released in 2010.
° Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants (2009), B. Buchanan, W. Gruissem, R. Jones - American Society of Plant Physiologists
Very good and exhaustive reference book. Very molecular-, protein- and biochemistry-oriented. Big: 1367 pages!

Friday 19/08/2011

° Ivan Henrique - 'Jurema Action Plant'
° Grégory Lasserre & Anaïs met den Ancxt - 'Phonolium'

Thursday 18/08/2011

Wednesday 17/08/2011

(General meeting at FoAM)

Tuesday 16/08/2011

° Struik et al (2008) Plant neurobiology and green plant intelligence: science, metaphors and nonsense
An intelligent, precise and critical reflection about the subject, written by researchers that are not part of the 'Baluska & Mancuso friend's group'.
° Koziolek et al (2003) Transient knockout of photosynthesis mediated by electrical signals
In this paper, the authors relate an experiment to measure electrical signals and other parameters in Mimosa pudica

Friday 12/08/2011

Thursday 11/08/2011

Wednesday 10/08/2011

Friday 05/08/2011

° Peter W. Barlow (2008) Reflections on ‘plant neurobiology’ [review article]
° Eric Davies (2004) New functions for electrical signals in plants [commentary]

Thursday 04/08/2011

° Central idea: plants as inspirational model for solving global problems. Phytomimicry in industry, politics, personal life.
° According to McKenna, the “lessons” of plants are:
- societal/politics: feminization of culture
- personal: inwardness, cooperation (symbiosis)
- ecology: phytoremediation, biodiversity
- industry: recycling, H2-economy, photovoltaic, nanotech
° McKenna hopes a change of paradigm. Idea of the “rebirth of the [vegetal] Goddess”. Spiritual or symbolic idea of the mother-earth, Gaia, etc.
° Suggests that the use of psychedelic plants opens channels of direct communication with this Gaia.
° McKenna speaks about “planetary purpose”. Intentionality. (link to be made with Naturalism and Intelligent Design)

New Age Gaian, James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis, Noepaganism, Pseudoscience, Falsifiability, Biopunk

° Nature, technology and the sacred, Bronislaw Szerszynski, 2005. About the idea of the “disenchantment of the world”, from a philosphy of science point of view.
° Cosmicomics, Italo Calvino, 1965. Short stories. Science-like narratives, universe as a cosmic joke.
° Psychedelic reimagined, Thomas Lyttle, ed., 1999. Collection of articles about psychedelic substances and practices.

Wednesday 03/08/2011

° Reach a broad spectrum going from science < —- > pseudo-science
° Special attention to stories. Stories made to justify some logical shortcuts in speudo-scientific demonstrations, stories on the side of classical research, etc.
° Think of experiment to test some pseudo-scientific claims (plants grow faster if you speak to them). Those experiments are not meant to be realized.
° Make an overview of the research in the field of plant-plant communication. Neurobotany, sensory ecology, chemical communication between plants, etc.
° Speculative science: what do we need to build a translator to interfer with those signals?

° Experiments of George Lawrence (~1950). Onion attached to a telescope, and other strange experiments.
° HPI paper on the Lybarinth
° Sci-fi writer K. Schröder. Idea of thalience, switched subjectivity. Idea that the value of a model is not only determined by the fact it is true or not, but also by its ability to generate other models and ideas (“heuristicity”).
° T. McKenna, Archaic Revival, Chapter about plan/plant/planet. Phytomimicry and techno-gaianism.
° P. Stamets, Mycelium Running, global considerations about mycelium as nature's internet.