Table of Contents

Unmanned Resilience workshop notes


Phase 1 "Be Strong, Be Wrong" foraging expedition. Notes from the Wild

Wisdom from the plant kingdom spread by Dario Cortese.

On plants:
General health stuff:

Dario’s site:
His leaflet how_to_eat_wild accompanying Resilients phase 01.

from Dario’s Library:

Phase 2 / Notes from the Sky:

Notes from the Unmanned remote sensing operations.

Ideas for possible missions with the Bromor UAV during the Resilients workshop:

No goats, but we ourselves are in P1010694 top left of the image.

Phase 3 / UR apprenticeship:

Notes from the Data display workshop.

UAV terminology:

“They are better known as stealthy killing machines to take out suspected terrorists with pinpoint accuracy. But drones are also being put to more benign use in skies across several continents to track endangered wildlife, spot poachers, and chart forest loss.”