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hardened_bubbles [2014-09-27 00:01] – [In our desire to capture bubbles we try to harden them. Find a practical application for them in an attempt to make our dreams come true. But then it often turns that they somehow just loose their magic...] cockyhardened_bubbles [2014-09-27 00:06] (current) – [In our desire to capture bubbles we try to harden them. Find a practical application for them in an attempt to make our dreams come true. But then it often turns that they somehow just loose their magic...] cocky
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  Sanyo Electric Corporation, Living Capsule, 1970\\  Sanyo Electric Corporation, Living Capsule, 1970\\
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-Haus-Rucker_Co: ENVIRONMENT - TRANSFORMER,  1968\\ 
-Are appliances that change sensory impressions for a limited time in a visual and acoustic way. The processes of seeing and hearing are drawn out of their habitual apathy, separated into their individual functions and put together again as special experiences.\\ 
-source: http://www.the-artists.org/Images/haus-rucker-co 
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  • hardened_bubbles.1411776101.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014-09-27 00:01
  • by cocky
  • Currently locked by: