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City/country wide disaster drills organised by ONO i DSZ (Opstenarodna odbrana i drustvena samozastita - “Nation wide defence and social self protection committee”) for the military, police, health system, but also civilians (including children) in former Yugoslavia.

Ništa Nas Ne smije Iznenaditi (“ne smije” - although it looks like two words is pronounced as one) - 'Nothing can surprise us'.

Ništa Nas Ne smije Iznenaditi: Živimo kao da će vječno biti mir, a pripremajmo se kao da će sutra rat – Josip Broz Tito

  • “Osnovi koncepcije ONO i DSZ i strategije oružane borbe : udžbenik za vojne akademije”, Ilija Nikezić; Milosav Đorđević; et al (worldcat)
  • “Politički sistem, ustavne promjene i ONO i DSZ”, Bužiuar Javorović (pdf)
  • The interesting thing about NNNI was that participants often had nothing in common: small entrepreneurs, CEOs, smugglers, drunks, and others whom we wouldn't see except for the day of the exercise… - Ono sto je u vjezbama Nista nas ne smije iznenaditi bilo zanimljivo jest cinjenica da su sudjelovali ljudi iz nasih mjesnih zajednica koji inace nisu imali nista zajednicko: sitni privatnici, direktori preduzeca, sverceri, pijanci, besposlicari i oni koje nikad ne bismo vidjali osim na dan vjezbe. Svih drugih dana u godini takvi su ostajali zatvoreni izmedju svoja cetiri zida ili su se bavili nekim poslovima o kojima do danas nista nismo saznali.
  • “Informiranje putem letaka i knjižica, zapravo je jedini vid edukacije građana o tome kako trebaju djelovati i ponašati se u situacijama prirodnih nesreća i katastrofa. Na vježbe radnog naziva “ništa nas ne smije iznenaditi” danas se gleda sa prezirom kao i na ostatak zaostavštine bivše države. Nekada su takve vježbe bile redovne i obavezne, u proteklom ratu mnogim su ljudima spasile život. Danas se sve, i tamo gdje edukacije ima, svodi na teorijsko znanje”

this question

“I think that the reason for not having any official records to speak of is in part, because the exercise assumes the complete disintegration of the political and social structures so they expect the individual to come up with something thru out of the box thinking.”

(title based on a conversation between Kayle Brandon and Maja Kuzmanovic at FoAM in Brussels)

The intention is to create a context were issues of personal and social catastrophe can be researched, examined and acted upon.

NCSU researches survival operative systems, and the pathos of training and preparing for real or fantastic catastrophic / disaster scenarios. NCSU spectrum of research stretches from the daily risk of falling over to the global risk of using fossil fuels.

NCSU witnesses the fact that 'what we use and how we use it' has a core position in all external relations.

Obsolete, alternative and low-tech methods will be invested in as backup plans and changes to current mass use domestic infrastructure.

NCSU intends to be a hobby club for people to learn skills and hone aspects of themselves that will enable and increase the chances of recovery and survival in advent of disaster. This will be via practical training and education.

Experts, Artists and enthusiasts will host NCSU events.

NCSU is a necessary training programme for anyone who wants to prepare for the unexpected.

  • nnni.txt
  • Last modified: 2015-08-17 20:37
  • by nik
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