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The soup bowls remain warm for a while in the guests' hands, while the soup warms their bodies. One by one the candles are moved from the solitary space to the three tables of the silent convivium. The sound migrates from the tiny speakers to a volume of sound raining down from the roof. At the same time, a sweet, zingy scent emerges from the far corner of the room. Finally a warm yellow light illuminates the convivium and the guests are invited to find their place at the tables. A cool lemony sorbet is served to cleanse their palate. The sounds of smoking and steaming envelop the room. Glowing embers and bursting liquids, mingling with the voices from the kitchen. A beetroot wine is served. Thick and earthy, sweet and bitter. In the middle of the table the waiters place a steamed garden, complete with soil and colourful 'compost' made of steamed root vegetables, served with small shovels. The sounds weave in and out, adding timbre to the silence and short soft conversations. The garden is followed by a fluffy steamed dumpling and its two smoked sauces, piquant tomato and smooth cream. The flow continues with sweet basil seed water and a robust red wine, paired with wood wrapped mushrooms and tea steamed spinach, that come with potatoes wrapped in smoke. By now the silence is slowly becoming less silent, as the sharing of meals cooked on fire cannot but incite conversations. Conversations about the food, the taste, the sound, the experience. To awaken the palate a fresh green juice is offered just before the doors to the dessert room open.


Light one stick of Citronelle Incense a few minutes before guests arrive.

  • handful fresh or dried lemon balm (melissa officinalis) leaves
  • handful fresh or dried verbena leaves
  • 300ml water
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 table spoon of honey

Boil the water and infuse it with the lemon balm and verbena leaves for 15 minutes till the colour becomes light brown. Strain the leaves. Let the herbal tea cool down, add honey (not above 50C) and lemon juice. When completely cooled pour the liquid into an ice-cream maker. Leave it turning in the until the mixture thickens. Transfer to a container and place the sorbet in the freezer until needed. Serve one small scoop per person.

(inspired by the “Vegetables Under the Garden” of the Tippling Club and the “Vegetable Field” of Noma, “Yellow Beet in Salt Crust” of In de Wulf and “Mushroom Dirt” of Martha Stewart)


Garden vegetables ('compost')

  • 1 purple carrot
  • 1 orange carrot
  • 1 yellow carrot
  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 black radish
  • 1 yellow radish
  • 1 parsnip
  • 1 leek
  • 1 jerusalem artichoke
  • 12 florets of purple cauliflower
  • 12 florets of romanesco cauliflower
  • splash of red wine
  • splash of milk
  • pinch of milky oolong
  • pinch of vanilla
  • a twig of rosemary
  • a handful of leek sprouts
  • a few sprouts of cress

Chop all root vegetables in thick slices. divide 1/2 cauliflower in small florets. Chop one orange carrot and 1/2 beetroot in the thinnest slices on the mandoline. Steam until done (soft, but not falling apart - it will take between 15 and 30 minutes). Steam carrots and beetroot (both thick and thin slices) on red wine in a bamboo steamer. Steam leak, radishes and parsnip with rosemary oil and vanilla. Steam Jerusalem artichoke and cauliflower on milky oolong tea. Shock under icy water to prevent from overcooking. Chop or blend each vegetable in tiny chunks (1/2 cm or less). Keep in separate containers in the bain-marie.

The 'sediment'

  • 1 whole celeriac root
  • 500g salt
  • 500g flour
  • 300g water


Preheat the oven to 220ºC. Mix the salt, flour and water into a dough, roll it out and use it to cover the celeriac (unpeeled). Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 160ºC and cook for another 35-45min, depending on the size. Leave to cool down, then store in the fridge overnight. The next day, break the crust (from the bottom is the easiest), peel the celeriac and slice it thinly on the mandoline. Reserve the slices in an airtight container.

The grit

  • 1 cup black quinoa
  • 1 cup black (beluga) lentils
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • salt and pepper


For the quinoa: add one cup of water and steam (~5 minutes, 10 minutes resting) For the lentils: add 3 cups of water and boil it down until all water is absorbed (~20 minutes). Mix quinoa and lentils and add coconut oil, salt and pepper. Reserve in an airtight container and warm up in the bain-marie just before serving.

The soil

  • 4 tablespoons of hazelnut and almond powder (a handful of hazelnuts and almonds, roasted on 160ºC for 20 mins blended into powder while still warm)
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of ume-shizo (to taste, it's very salty)
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon porcini powder
  • 1 teaspoon hemp powder
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon truffle oil

Preheat oven to 180ºC. Line a baking sheet with a nonstick baking mat. Mix all powdered ingredients. In a small saucepan, melt butter with truffle oil over medium heat, whisk to combine. Whisk the butter mixture into the powder; spread on prepared baking sheet and transfer to oven. Bake for 5 minutes; rotate baking sheet and bake for 5 minutes more. Remove from oven and let cool completely. Break into a wet powder with a soil-like consistency. Reserve in an airtight container.

The fertiliser

  • 8g applewood chips
  • 200g water
  • 125g butter
  • pinch of salt

Toast applewood chips in a pan to release the aromas and pour water over them. Let the mixture infuse for 7-8 minutes (longer is ok too, it makes the taste stronger), then strain discarding the wood. Heat the liquid and whisk in the butter to emulsify it. Keep warm in the bain-marie.

Place a layer of celeriac slices on the bottom of a glass container. Layer each steamed root vegetable with some grit and soil, every few layers place a celeriac sediment in between. On top cover with a thicker layer of soil and decorate with cauliflower florets, sprouts and cress.

Served with:

(inspired by the Bax Beet Pinot of the Tippling Club)

  • 1 part beetroot
  • 1 part Punt e Mes
  • 4/5 Fernet Branca / Averna
  • dash of lime
  • dash of Angosutra bitters
  • sliver of grated ginger

Non alcoholic

  • 1 part beetroot
  • 1 part apple
  • a hint of ginger

Juice, mix and shake.


(inspired by different home cooks from ex-Yugoslavia)

  • 500 g Russian fresh cheese
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 6 Tbsp semolina
  • 2 Tbsp flour
  • 1 Ts salt
  • 1 Ts baking powder (not needed if using self-raising flour)

Mix all ingredients. If the mixture is too crumbly, add a bit of remaining egg-whites (slowly, 3 might make the mixture too liquid). Leave the dough to rest for 15-20 minutes. Steam for 10 minutes at 100C.

Bread crumbs

  • 2/3 pumpernickel bread
  • 1/3 wheat crackers
  • pinch of salt
  • 50g of butter

Dry pumpernickel bread for a couple of days, or a few hours in the oven. Break into small pieces and toast in a pan. Allow to cool. Blend the pumpernickel crumbs in the kitchen blender together with the crackers. Sieve to separate smooth from rough crumbs. Reserve separately. Just before serving, melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the bread crumbs until they become crispy.

Serve with rough bread crumbs on the bottom and fine ones on top of the dumpling. On the side serve cold smoked Creme D'Issigny and warm smoked tomato jam.

Smoked tomato jam

  • 200 g cherry tomatoes or plum tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 onion sliced
  • 1 small chili pepper chopped
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder or 1 stalk of cinnamon
  • 1 spoon orange blossom water
  • a pinch of saffron
  • cherry wood smoking chips
  • salt and pepper to taste

Smoke tomatoes, garlic and onion with smoking gun for 3 minutes or stove smoker for 20 minutes. Place in a baking tray and combine with chili, cinnamon, orange water, and saffron. Bake in the oven at 180° for 20-30 minutes till the skin of the tomatoes begins to peel off. Peel the tomatoes, blend with the rest of the ingredients with electric mixer. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Smoked cream

  • 200g Creme D'Issigny or sour cream
  • maple wood chips

Smoke the cream in sauce containers with the smoking gun for 1-2 minutes. Keep under the bell jar for another 10 minutes. Serve cold.

At Smoke & Vapour we used the recipe below, but it wasn't satisfactory. The balls collapsed in the steamer to a relatively flat cake. This needs further experimentation (recipe above, use only egg yolks, use self raising flour instead of baking powder, get 'ostro brasno' from Croatia… NOTE: I tried making the dumplings using the same ingredients from S&V a few days later with the recipe above and they worked MUCH better.

* 250g eastern European quark/cottage cheese * 2 egg yolks * 2 teaspoons of salt * 2 tablespoons sour cream * 3 tablespoons semolina * 5 tablespoons spelt flour * 1/2 teaspoon baking powder * 2 beaten egg-whites Mix all ingredients, add beaten egg-whites at the end. Form balls and steam in the bamboo steamer for about 7-10 minutes. In the mean time melt the butter and add bread-crumbs. Stir until golden brown and crunchy. Take the dumplings out of the steamer and cover in a dusting of breadcrumbs.


Strong smoke: Smoked mushroom wraps

  • 250g mixed forest mushrooms
  • handful of fresh thyme, sage and parsley
  • teaspoon of mild olive oil (able to withstand heat)
  • 1 clove of smoked garlic
  • handful of seitan (we used Seitan Gourmet Grill)
  • cedar grill wraps
  • butcher's twine
  • a splash of red wine
  • water to cover the wraps
  • salt & pepper to taste

Chop the herbs finely, add salt and pepper. Brush the mushrooms to remove sand and grit, marinate in the 2/3rds of herb mixture. Add olive oil to the remaining herb mixture. Chop seitan in 1/2cm small cubes and mix with the herb marinade. Marinate for a couple of hours. Soak the grill wraps and butcher's twine in a mixture of water and red wine for at least 10 minutes. Combine mushrooms and seitan. Divide them on 8 wraps. Wrap and tie with butcher's twine. Smoke in the Green Egg for 10 minutes.

Mixed smoke: Smoked potatoes

  • 12 small purple potatoes
  • 12 small white potatoes
  • 1 rosemary twig
  • salt & pepper
  • coconut oil
  • truffle oil
  • 1 alder smoking bag
  • hickory wood chips

Place purple potatoes in a red clay baking tray, mix with coconut oil, salt, pepper and rosemary and bake/smoke in the Green Egg on low heat (160-180) for 2 hours. Marinate white potatoes in truffle oil with rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper for an hour. Place in alder bag and smoke in the oven for 1 hour. At the end combine both potatoes on a black plate and smoke for 1 minute with the smoking gun. Serve under the smoking bell, with smoke still present.

Soft smoke: Tea and Spinach

(inspired by “Spinach steamed in Tea” of Noma)

Tea emulsion

  • 25g butter
  • 10g water
  • pinch of yuzu powder
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • teaspoon of smoked black tea (organic English Breakfast or Assam tea)
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey

Remove the butter from the fridge and let it warm to room temperature. Boil the water and whisk in the butter, infuse this mixture with the spices and tea for 4 minutes, then strain.

Spinach and herbs

  • 200g organic spinach leaves
  • handful of parsley leaves
  • salt and pepper
  • sprinkle of lemon juice

Rinse the spinach and parsley thoroughly to remove all the dirt. Steam the parsley for 1 minute in 4 tablespoons of tea emulsion. Then add the spinach and the remaining emulsion, steam for a further few minutes until just wilted and season to taste. Take the spinach out, cool it down and reduce the emulsion into a syrup, let it cool. Add lemon juice to taste. Mix spinach and emulsion. Keep in an airtight container until serving. Push through a rectangular mold directly onto the plates.

Served with Tim Adams' Tempranillo

(after so much smoke, an antioxidant palate bath is needed!)


  • 5 apples
  • 12 celery sticks (about 20cm long)
  • a splash of lemon juice (to prevent oxydising)
  • 1 bunch of curled leaf parsley

Juice apples and celery, add lemon juice and mix. Juice parsley stalks. Mix 2/3 apple & celery with 1/3 parsley juice. Sieve through a coarse tea strainer. Serve in shot glasses.

Previous: Solitary Immersion, Next: Sweet Emergence

  • open_sauces/silent_convivium.1386344677.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013-12-06 15:44
  • by maja
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