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 +==== Brane cosmology ====
 +"Brane cosmology is a protoscience based on some of the latest thinking about the nature of reality. It is motivated by, but not rigorously derived from, superstring (Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modeling them as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric strings. It is considered one of the most promising candidate theories of quantum gravity). At present, the deepest problem in theoretical physics is harmonizing the theory of general relativity, which describes gravitation and applies to large-scale structures (stars, planets, galaxies), with quantum mechanics which describes the other three fundamental forces acting on the microscopic scale. The central concept involves "unrolling" one or more of the compact dimensions of superstring theory to form a higher-dimensional medium, called the "bulk", in which our four-dimensional universe (one of a possibly large number of branes (the name is derived from membrane)) lies embedded. Interactions with the bulk, and possibly with other branes, can influence our brane and thus introduce effects not seen in more standard cosmological models." from [[wp>Brane_cosmology]]
 +steinhardt on Ekpyrotic universe:
 +  * in slides: http://pauli.physics.lsa.umich.edu/w/arch/som/sto2001/Steinhardt/real/sld003.htm
 +  * brief intro: http://wwwphy.princeton.edu/~steinh/npr/
 +  * cyclic universe by Steinhardt and Turok: http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0204479
 +other cosmological refs:
 +  * a world in extra dimensions: http://d0server1.fnal.gov/users/gll/public/edpublic.htm
 +  * brane storm from science.com: http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/astronomy/bigbang_alternative_010413-1.html
 +  * recycled universe published in the scientific american: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=000C55B5-C29B-1CDA-B4A8809EC588EEDF
 +  * Physical review focus on Invisible dimenstions: http://focus.aps.org/story/v4/st28
 +branes from the pov of relativity:
 +  * http://www.geocities.com/loupwarp/
 +  * constraints on extra dimensions: http://gene.science.uva.nl/~skowalcz/Constraints%20on%20Large%20Extra%20Dimensions.pdf
 +  * Brian Greene: The elegant universe (as a tv series: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/
 +see also; [[Membrane Theory]] and [[Membrane Computing]]
 +  * Local Chimney and Superbubbles: http://www.solstation.com/x-objects/chimney.htm
 +  * Aurore de Jupiter http://lpap.astro.ulg.ac.be/jupiter/french.html
 +==== Cell membranes ====
 +"A large number of important biological processes occur within the biomembrane. These include the primary production of ATP, our sensory understanding of the outside world via the detection and interpretation of light, sound, heat, pressure and chemicals and the communication between cells such as neurons." (M.Stowell, from http://www.colorado.edu/MCDB/MCDB5810/5810_f.html
 +  * model of a cell membrane: http://www.people.virginia.edu/%7Erjh9u/cellmemb.html
 +  * general overview: http://www.cell-biology.com/#membrane and http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/C/CellMembranes.html
 +  * Cell biology tutorial: http://personal.tmlp.com/Jimr57/textbook/chapter3/cms.htm
 +  * membrane structure: http://www.cytochemistry.net/Cell-biology/membrane.htm and http://www.cytochemistry.net/Cell-biology/membrane_intro.htm
 +  * lipids in membranes: http://www.cbc.umn.edu/~mwd/cell_www/chapter2/membrane.html
 +  * membrane transport mechanisms: http://web.mit.edu/esgbio/www/cb/membranes/transport.html
 +  * facilitated diffusion across membranes: http://home.earthlink.net/%7Edayvdanls/cell_membranes.htm#Facilitated%20Diffusion
 +  * ion channels and membrane transport proteins: http://biop.ox.ac.uk/www/lj2000/sansom/sansom.html
 +  * cellular signalling: http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/D/Diffusion.html
 +  * lots of useful membrane links: http://www.kensbiorefs.com/cellstructure.html#anchor264717
 +  * cell ultrestructure: http://www.udel.edu/Biology/Wags/histopage/empage/ecu/ecu.htm
 +  * connective tissue: http://www.med.nus.edu.sg/ant/histonet/txt/cont/cont01.html
 +  * foam physics: http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~simoncox/Foamarchive/gastruct.html
 +  * foam: http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~dws/foam.html
 +  * Dense bubble flows: http://www.ulg.ac.be/grasp/research/flow/
 +  * Bubble Experiments and Phenomena 1973-5: http://www.editcorp.com/Personal/John_Choma/Photos.html
 +  * Airflow patterns about a cylinder: http://www.sageaction.com/Cylinder.html
 +  * Fly Brain http://www.amiravis.com/gallery2/pictures/picture3/
 +==== Physics Engines ====
 +[[Physics Engines]]
 +==== Different ====
 +  * Water spider: http://www.cdnarchitect.com/asf/enclosure_design_strategies/precedent_vs_innovation/precedent_vs_innovation.htm#menu1
 +  * http://members.surfeu.at/dolores/Photostory.html
 +  * http://www.makalapa.k12.hi.us/Makalapa_Folder/HTML/adapt&survive/ep/spiders.html
 +  * Balloon man: http://www.gregangelo.com/characte/balloon.html
 +  * Skip Banks http://leapfrog-entertainment.com/Artists/Big/SkipBanks/SkipBanks.htm
 +==== Tensile Structure ====
 +  * Tensinet: Tensinet offers possi-bilities to exchange and share basic and multidisciplinary know-ledge about Tensile Structures. Its a European project funded by the European Commision for three years. The consortium of TensiNet? consists of 22 participating organisations with representatives from 9 EU member states. The membership forms a complementary group representing multi-disciplinary industries (coater and weaver, manufacturer, producer, engineering and architecture offices), universities and other associations. http://www.tensinet.com/
 +  * Architectural fabrics: http://www.gore.com/fibers/english/tenara_a2.html
 +  * Taconic, architectural fabrics: http://www.taconic-afd.com/
 +  * Shape of pneumatic structures: http://www.form-tl.de/
 +  * Atelier ten: http://www.atelierten.co.uk/
 +  * http://www.lightstructures.de/
 +  * James carpenter design associates inc: http://www.jcdainc.com/home.html
 +  * Alex Lang, Thomas Shertzer: http://www.arch.kth.se/a-url/featuredprojects/1.htm
 +  * Kunsthaus Graz: http://www.arcspace.com/architects/cook/
 +  * the membrane design: http://www.taiyokogyo.co.jp/compe/2000/e/pre_screening/allworks/S183-S208/works/S201/index.html
 +  * Architectural Performances: http://www.architectureweek.com/2003/1119/news_3-2.html
 +  * vortical structure: http://www.europhysicsnews.com/full/19/article5/article5.html
 +==== Fibreglass ====
 +  * Fibreglass: http://www.design-technology.org/comp5.htm
 +  * General Purpose Tents http://www.completeoutdoors.co.uk/catalog/default.php/cPath/64_65
 +  * Fibreglass Poles http://www.outbound.ca/tents/tentpoles.html
 +  * CFS Fibreglass Supplies Online http://www.cfsnet.co.uk/acatalog/CFS_Catalogue__FIBREGLASS_MAT___FABRICS_10.html
 +  * http://www.trade-india.com/dyn/gdh/international_buyers/Industrial_Supplies/Fiberglass_Products/
 +  * Glass Fiber: http://www.netcomposites.com/education.asp?sequence=34
 +  * Didak International NV Gistelsesteenweg 586/8400 Oostende, belgium: http://www.didak.com/
 +==== Inflatable Structures ====
 +[[Inflatable Structures]]
 +==== knots and surfaces ====
 +  * software
 +  * http://www.cs.ubc.ca/nest/imager/contributions/scharein/KnotPlot.html
 +  * gmsh
 +  * related projects
 +  * gel force: http://www.star.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kazuto/
 +  * gravicells, gravity and resistance: http://www.G--R.com
 +==== images ====
 +  * catalogue image for cultuurnacht in Den Haag {{ball03.tif}}
 +==== projects ====
 +  * Uzume http://www.siggraph.org/artdesign/gallery/S02/onfloor/gemeinboeck/1process.html
 +  * http://www.zakros.com/projects/pavilion/overview_new.html
 +  * Cloud - portible room for rest, meeting or concentration. a space of its own that can be used within any space or outdoors, it all so could be as a portable cell of inflatable environment? http://urbanpeel.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=up-1&Product_Code=sn-1222
 +  * Ernesto Neto: http://www.a-matter.com/eng/related/rel066/Ernesto-Neto-re066-03-u.asp
 +==== companies/producers ====
 +  * Showtex: the most qualitative and innovating partner for the professional event and entertainment business regarding the rental, sales and installation of retail textiles and their motion concepts http://www.showtex.com/htdocs/frameset.asp?CMD=aboutus
 +  * Tensile fabric structures: http://www.transformitdesign.com/
 +  * squish and mush image in mid air (from [[Responsive Summit Banff]] - and Jacov Sharir)
 +  * heliodisplay: http://www.io2technology.com/dojo/178/v.jsp
 +  * fogScreen: http://www.fogscreen.com/ (originated in tampere university of technology)
 +  * see through screens made of glass: http://www.holopro.com
 +  * digital lighting 1 from high end systems (dl1): http://www.highend.com/products/digital_lighting/dl_1.asp
 +==== Materials/Textile ====
 +[[Materials Textiles]]
  • project_trg_related.txt
  • Last modified: 2025-01-09 22:46
  • by nik