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two_legged_research [2021-10-26 06:52] cockytwo_legged_research [2021-10-31 14:46] cocky
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 +in the old Maya culture : Red Sky walker invites you to go on a journey of discovery and new experiences, beyond the terrain that is familiar to you. The trick is to see the beauty in every experiment, simply because you will learn from it anyway. It is not about the preconceived end result, but about the unexpected that arises when you start experimenting without an end goal. Red Skywalker sets off without a plan and adjusts the course along the way, based on experience. This path is also about the stories we share with each other, the stories of experience through which we learn from each other.
 The Walking Seminar. Embodied Research Methodologies in emergent Anthropocene Landscapes https://issuu.com/artist-in-residence-ahk/docs/wandelkrant___insert_samengebonden. assignment: from the exotics--- to the everyday surrounding , read text together....Embodied research in emergent Antropoceen landscapes. a walk as inspiration for a work or as a work itself... The Walking Seminar. Embodied Research Methodologies in emergent Anthropocene Landscapes https://issuu.com/artist-in-residence-ahk/docs/wandelkrant___insert_samengebonden. assignment: from the exotics--- to the everyday surrounding , read text together....Embodied research in emergent Antropoceen landscapes. a walk as inspiration for a work or as a work itself...
 <fc #800000>Rebecca Solnit</fc> <fc #800000>Rebecca Solnit</fc>
   * The Rhythm of walking generates a kind of rhythm of thinking, and the passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through a series. This creates an odd consonance between internal and external passage, one that suggests athat the mind is also a landscape of sorts and that walking is one way to traverse it. Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: a history of walking.   * The Rhythm of walking generates a kind of rhythm of thinking, and the passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through a series. This creates an odd consonance between internal and external passage, one that suggests athat the mind is also a landscape of sorts and that walking is one way to traverse it. Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: a history of walking.
-  * she describes walking as a state in which the mind, the body and the world are alingned, as though they were three characters finally in concersation with each other, three notes suddenly make a chord. According to Solnit, the walking agreement not only provides a pleasant or healing feeling, which we all know, but also promotes creativity; during the walk, the passing landscape becomes, as it were, intertwined with your thought world, which also becomes a landscape. The new ideas that gradually emerge feel more familiar than usual. As though thinking were travelling rather than making.+  * she describes walking as a state in which the mind, the body and the world are alingned, as though they were three characters finally in concersation with each other, three notes suddenly make a chord. According to Solnit, the walking agreement not only provides a pleasant or healing feeling, which we all know, but also promotes creativity; during the walk, the passing landscape becomes, as it were, intertwined with your thought world, which also becomes a landscape. The new ideas that gradually emerge feel more familiar than usual. As though thinking were traveling rather than making.
-<fc #800000>Frederic Nietsche</fc> +<fc #800000>Frederic Nietzche</fc> 
-  * "A thought only gains value after it has been walked through" Frederic Nietsche.+  * "A thought only gains value after it has been walked through" Frederic Nietzche.
   * landing Sites Cocky Eek; https://cockyeek.com/projects/landing-sites/   * landing Sites Cocky Eek; https://cockyeek.com/projects/landing-sites/
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   * Walking Exercises: Lines and Squiggles in the Desert: https://libarynth.org/dust_and_shadow/walking_exercises?s[]=walking   * Walking Exercises: Lines and Squiggles in the Desert: https://libarynth.org/dust_and_shadow/walking_exercises?s[]=walking
   * drunken dragon walk.  source Dr Shen Hongxun  -TaiWuChiGong practice.   * drunken dragon walk.  source Dr Shen Hongxun  -TaiWuChiGong practice.
-  * You're walking and you don't always realize it, but you're always falling. With each step up,you fall forward slightly and then catch yourself from falling. Over and over your falling and then catching yourself from falling and this how you can be walking and falling at the same time. Laurie Anderson - Gravity's Angel, inspired by the book Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pinchon.+  * You're walking and you don't always realize it, but you're always falling. With each step up,you fall forward slightly and then catch yourself from falling. Over and over your falling and then catching yourself from falling and this how you can be walking and falling at the same time. Laurie Anderson - Gravity's Angel, inspired by the book Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pinchon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHFCdviF6zU (start 1:04 till- end)
   * Sometimes you are not even aware that you are listening, but moving along with your tempo. Laurie Anderson. Northon lectures #02.   * Sometimes you are not even aware that you are listening, but moving along with your tempo. Laurie Anderson. Northon lectures #02.
   * your feet are the heaven of the earth (ancient Maya culture)   * your feet are the heaven of the earth (ancient Maya culture)
-  * I cannot sit still until I have moved. Walking itself is a way to take your mind off things, clear your head , make room for something new. Thomas Roosenboom, vrij nederland 2012. 
   * since the 60's walking itself became a form of art by itself.   * since the 60's walking itself became a form of art by itself.
   *    * 
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 https://www.ahk.nl/onderzoek/artist-in-residence/2017-2018/nick-shepherd/ https://www.ahk.nl/onderzoek/artist-in-residence/2017-2018/nick-shepherd/
-Rode Hemelwandelaar nodigt je uit om op ontdekkingsreis te gaan en nieuwe ervaringen op te doen, buiten het terrein dat jou bekend is Een pad dat je de moed en het vertrouwen geeft om op gevoel en zonder vooropgezet plan nieuwe wegen te bewandelen. Het is de kunst van elk experiment het mooie te zien, eenvoudigweg omdat je er hoe dan ook wijzer van wordt. Het gaat er niet om het vooraf bedachte eindresultaat, maar om het onverwachte dat ontstaat als je zonder einddoel gaat experimenteren.  + 
-Willen weten hoe het scenario voor de toekomst eruit ziet, is de grootste blokkade die je voor jezelf kunt opwerpen. Rode Hemelwandelaar gaat op pad zonder plan en stelt onderweg, op basis van ervaring de koers zonodig bij.Dit pad gaat ook over de verhalen die we met elkaar delen, de ervaringsverhalen waardoor we van elkaar leren.+ 
 +the songlines 
  • two_legged_research.txt
  • Last modified: 2021-10-31 15:40
  • by cocky