immerse yourself in nature – explore its laws
nature - foundation for all higher cognition – letting science be
reborn in the spirit
the spirit in nature reveals itself in the collision of two elastic
World as it is: towards higher cognition in three stages:
Paracelsus: I feel myself to be this single man - he is the same as the
world is, but he is this as a repetition, as a separate being: micro-
and macrocosm. Every organism is a part of the great chain of the
universe. It is a link in it and it exists only in connection with all
the others.
Human nature can be divided in three parts:
organism, sensory-corporeal nature
hidden nature (link in the chain
astral body, spirit, soul - lives in the world of dreams
DIvision of the human (approximation):
elemental body
animal spirit
rational soul
spiritual soul
universal spirit
primordial matter
First there was water… then it separated into 4 elements
Spirit does not create nature, but develops out of it.
two kinds of flesh: coarse and subtle
the idea of development, of becoming.
self creating activity of man - alchemy.
nature cannot be put to use without art.
all bodies: three basic substances: salt, sulphur and mercury.
important chemical processes: solution in a liquid and combustion.
friendship with nature
God himself does not know what he is
God had to become sensible in order to satisfy his need for self
God: das Nichts, primordial abyss – relatively unreal.
God's emergence from pure Oneness into differentiated actuality required
a confrontation with with contrariety and opposition. It is out of this
creative struggle that the sensible universe issued forth. Negative
elements were the motivating spurs that stimulated the production of all
the manifold phenomena of nature.
experience of a hunger, longing, this will by means of becoming desire could find and feel itself. Imperfect reflection of its inner essence.
contraction into a core of being - will to return to the original unity
a chaotic fire burned without giving light - first suffering of the universe: violent thunderclap
joyous clap supervened - emergence of harmony and order out of the original chaos
Holy spirit is precisely the continual movement between the yes and the no: it is the living breath of the cosmos.
historicity of the Absolute
interactions of divine wrath, love and movement - supernatural fusion of psychological and alchemical properties.
Libarynth > Libarynth Web > AlchemicalNotes r2 - 27 Dec 2006 - 16:31