Dust and Shadow is developed on-site in Arizona (three field trips for research, design and creation of public experiments) and online (publications, online documentation (including this wiki) and an LP). The project concludes with a final event at the ASU in Phoenix/Tempe in the fall of 2019.
- Fall 2017 (november/december): fieldtrip 2, FoAM presentation/talk at LCT & Synthesis, experimental workshop, formulating experiments for experiments, planning publications
- Winter 2019 (february): writing, editorial and design for field notes #2 and reader 1
- Spring 2018 (march): fieldtrip 3, prototyping and experiments: desert attunement trip, thalient lab, D&S soundwalk, desert equinox ritual
- Winter/Spring 2019: field notes #3, editorial and design reader 2 and field notes booklet
- Summer 2019: sound design for record release, exhibition design for Dust and Shadow reading room and acoustic ecology salon
- Fall 2019
- Desert Humanities: Creating Interdisciplinary Collaboration, round table with Tim Morton, Adam Nocek and FoAM
- Acoustic Ecologies Salon in the Hayden Library, Opening reception 20190923
- Attunement to the desert, lectures by FoAM and Tim Morton
- FoAM's lecture at “Anima, animism, animation” speaker series of the Center for Philosophical Technologies
- Proposition workshop at CPT
- FoAM's lecture at UCSB
- + continuous online documentation